GDD - Game Design Document

Made for the July 2024 Pirate Software Game Jam (Theme - Shadows and Alchemy)


You've broken into a goverment top secret facility and stolen away their new prototype Mobile Auto-Alchemy Furnace™! As you are studying it slowly and carefully in your secret workshop, there's a loud noise outside! The alarms!? Quick! The feds are here! Run away to your bunker deep underground!


Dig down using your new Mobile Auto-Alchemy Furnace™ and your trusty liquid funnel as quickly as possible! You're being chase by the very suspicious goverment agents and thier leader! Melt, Burn, Freeze and Detonate your way through more difficult blocks for a higher score! Learn the ways of alchemy and the methods to destroy all the blocks in your way!


ESC Key returns you to the main menu and resets your progress!

Use A and D to move left and right. Use S to aim down and W to interact.

Use the Arrow Keys: "↑↓→←" to spray the blocks with 1 out of 4 alchemical agents! Only the right mixture in the right order will break the block in time for you to get away! 

↑ = Acid Solution

↓ = Explosive Powder

→ = Fire Fluid

← = Cold Nitrogen

You also have in your arsenal, special alchemical mixtures that are constantly being brewed inside your very handy Mobile Auto-Alchemy Furnace™. 

Use buttons Q, E, R, F to throw your unstable alchemical potions!

Q - Creates a cloud to lift you up!

E - Explodes blocks above you to make scaffolds in a T shape!

R - Creates a creeping ice wall that lasts for a while as it grows and can block paths!

F - Creates an Unstable Midas' touch, the Hand of Glass!


Easy: Levels 1-3

Medium: Levels 4-6

Hard: Levels 7-9

HELL: Level 10

Block Score Value Info:

Blocks have an inherent Score Punish Value. Every time you fail to input the right clear sequence they give you minus 1 block score. Lava Blocks punish the players with minus 10 block score value.

Dirt Block = 1

Stone Block = 1

Redsand Block = 1

Gravel Dirt Block = 2

Gravel Stone Block = 2

GreyStone Block = 2

Ice Block = 2

Laval Block = 2

Redstone Block = 2

Sand Block = 3

Coal Block = 5

Iron Block = 1 (wrong score set, should be 7)

Emerald Block = 7

GreyStone Emerald Block = 10

Silver Block = 1 (wrong score set, should be 12)

Redstone Emerald Block = 15

Gold Block = 20

Diamond Block = 40

Patch Notes: 

Update 1 (17/09/2024)

Fixed all bugs I know of currently in the game: Score systems (block scorer and level timer) and the level selector.

Added the Level Selector to the main menu.

Added a very basic tutorial to the level selector in the main menu.

Adjusted the block values (needs additional updates)

Adjusted the initial Enemy Spawn logic. Agent no longer spawns at the start of the level and will spawn later in all levels to ease the initial gameplay stress.


The live score updater doesn't work in WebGL for some reason. But don't worry, the scores are kept and tallied at end of the level for the high score screen.

(UPDATE: The level timer does not reset anymore for some reason! Which will mess up the scores beyond level 1 since the timer stops working, good thing is that I seperated Block Scores and Time Scores from each other so the Block score should still be reset and tracked for the high scores, if it doesn't reset... well, you can build up an insane Block Score if you make it through the levels without dying once!)

In the game over screen is a hidden Level selector I put in literally at the last minute, so it's not working as intended, it has funny results.

Throwing a "Unstable Midas' Hand of Glass Potion" inside the mini-level after the larger levels can have interesting results...

TO DO - Fixes, Bugs & Features:

Fix current score update bugs. 

Block values.

Fix level selection menu 

Add a tutorial the main menu introducing game mechanics.

Make a working Pause menu with Restart level and Quit buttons.

Add a Continue button on the game over screen. 

See if shadows and light can be added.


After I'm done fixing the bugs and adding a few things I'll learn Godot Engine while remaking the game and spend around 4-6 months this time on creating it for a Steam release I hope.

Any gameplay feedback would be very appreciated for version 2.

I hope someone enjoys the game. 

GL & HF!


I was sick for 4 out of the 12ish days of the game jam! This was completely crazy!

I used 2 free assets packs from the Unity store called "8-Bit Action Free" by MOPPYSOUND and "8-Bit Style Sound Effects" by CABLED_MESS

I also used the complete asset pack from "KenneyNL" that was up for free a long time a go and I acquired back then.

I got help with the art by "MizaVT" that helped draw a bunch of things. Both her and me drew a bunch of doodles for the game. MizaVT mainly drew all of the characters designs!

Development log

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